
Expression for the Kyrgyz Mountaineers

London - Moscow - Bishkek
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This travel has a great impact on me. To the axons of the brain. Because of people. From their way of life, and how happy they were with their tiny, but real happiness.

This travel reminded me of the taste of real food – without the stingy chemical impurity, simply because there has never been any chemistry over there.

This travel reminded me of human being’ tremendous strength and resilience, and that we are often afraid to challenge ourselves – which actually creates the life.

I will tell you about the wild charm of Kyrgyzstan, the Silk Road, and then the Pamir Highway and Tajikistan. Because it might be wild there, but people are living a full life.

What impressed me greatly was that there was no servility to us, the aliens who were supposed to bring them the money they needed.

And yes, they were infinitely hospitable.

And no, they didn’t just offer it to everyone.

And no, they don’t abandon their land. They do not emigrate. They stay and build. They use every bit of their land.

And yes, I haven’t seen this upbringing for a long time…

I will tell you how our Kyrgyz leader “abandoned” us and helped his fellow mountaineers  to build a yurt at 4000 meters above sea level in one day. My heart was sinking thousands of time – how the Earth we shall get home, crossing a fresh snow, and my brain remembered the Sophie’s choice (Incredible movie!)

I will tell you about Turat. Because I noticed, how several people have melted by the personality of this Kyrgyz, living in Tajikistan. Because I know that there are many people who will be happy to hear about story about something really Good.

And of course, about the food! Influenced a lot by the Chinese cuisine… If I can’t tell, at least I will show it to you.

I travel with a couple of lovely ladies. Each of us departs and lands in different date. We are supposed to in Bushkek. All of us fly by Aeroflot.

London – Moscow – Bishkek
Osh – Moscow – London
P.S. There are good rates with Pegasus as well, via Istanbul.

We plan a taxi towards Karakol, where we intend to sleep in a yurt…

…then a three-days horse riding – first to Altyn Arashan with promised hot springs and extraordinary views (both were kept!),

and next day – again horse rising, and then by feet to Ala-kol Lake: 3680m. A unique mountain pearl! It’s worth mentioning that none of us is really riding…

On the third day, back to Karakol by horse riding, and then a new taxi to Bishkek – with new route…

and then a flight to Osh.

I wanted to shortcut by road directly to Osh, but it’s quite hard to organize – slow and expensive (I am always in shortage of time), and the flights (Pegasus) are too many and quite cheap ($20). And then a ride by 4×4 mini truck on the Silk road…

…towards Pamir Highway in Tajikistan.

My travel mates raise eyebrows whilst listening my pre-stared murmuring. They have nothing to do with my idiotic plan, except paying their tickets. Our meeting point is Bishkek and each of us arrived in different day and time, and from different destination. I land last – actually it is the same morning, when we have to leave towards Karakol. The lack of enough annual leave always forces me to make stupidities and be on my toes, when the British weather starts pouring as usual, and the airports shit down – as usual…

This is the one off time during my traveling history when a standard airway company holds me for my hand luggage. Well, I admit I over jumped myself… I had a ticket with checked luggage, however I hate being left with no luggage at the airport and very rarely use this option. I start rearranging my hand luggage – in order to fit the cage – in front of all passengers and cabin crew. Nice… I made it though and I was let to wait for boarding.

I am sweating at Heathrow and suspiciously follow the take off traffic. I have given instructions to my travel mates not to wait for me, if the flight is late. It is, however, with absolutely no issues and after a perfect transfer via Moscow, I land safe and sound at 5 am in Bishkek.

I find a taxi – outside the official parking and the crowd, and the price is really good. I speak cheerfully with the driver – as it is not awfully early, but I am so happy that my crazy plans are currently completed without any single issue. And it is such a pleasure to know the local language…

Whilst we talk to each other, I succeed to lock a deal for transferring us to Karakol – when the other princesses wake up. I generously leave him some time for breakfast after the night shift.

Be careful when choosing a taxi. Search for white cars with Namba taxi sign on them.
Bishkek – Karakol, 400 km, 90 US$ (August, 2019)

I take his WhatsApp number, before he drops me off to the hostel of my friends. I truly enjoy watching how Bishkek is waking up, whilst waiting for the hostel itself to wake up.

You can find excellent individual rooms in Bishkek for 18-25 US$.

Around me is only boring post-socialist urban environment and I don’t see anything interesting to shoot. That’s why I will show you the opened markets in Bishkek in the way my travel mates have seen them…

At the very moment, somebody opens the gates; I immediately creep in the yard, full with tents and trucks. One of the tents belongs to young Australian couple – we have a nice chat, whilst they make their breakfast. The trucks appear to be owned by travelers, wandering around Central Asia, and I am honestly impressed. I cannot look inside – I was a bit ashamed to push myself in their bedroom…

My princess are at last awake and after our pure joy (We gathered together!), we start discussing our plan in details, whilst waiting our driver and playing will cradles, kitties and other fantastic creature around us.

Our Driver arrives – with a clean car, and we leave in a completely unknown for all of us direction.

To be continued…

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