My Switzerland

My Switzerland

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And because I live a living life, there is no time left to write what many friends have asked me to do. Still, promises must be kept, especially the passion to share…

Here I will tell about my wanderings, as well as intriguing interests about this exceptional country. Exceptional not only because it has an exceptional nature, but an exceptional attitude towards it by its inhabitants; and outstanding engineering achievements. As a technical person, I am dumbfounded!

I will sometimes talk about everyday life. There are interesting features… Some of them were realities, now they are myths and legends. Only some, others are realities. 🙂

One of the myths I’ve read about is: you can’t pee straight after 10 p.m. As for the gentlemen, I have no experience. 🙂 Or flush the toilet after 10 p.m. I want to say that no one remarks to me about this, but I live in a small and typical Swiss village…

You can’t throw garbage on Sunday (somewhere on Saturday) because you bother others. The story of Judith Schulte and her fine of 250 francs or 2 days in custody for violating this law is well known.

But yes, noise is one of the biggest sins here. And not following the rules…

You can’t baptize your children with funny names – and ruin their lives. You can’t stretch naked, or walk in the mountains, or climb peaks naked. You can’t recite verses while skiing… 🙂

I will debunk another myth – how rude the Swiss are. Or maybe we are rude, have expectations of strangers and don’t realize it?

And another myth – English does not grow here. I myself was its victim for many years. Such thing does not exist. Even in non-English speaking areas – if you add a handful of kindness, a generous pinch of smile and sincerity, you will understand each other anyway. Personal experience.

And we will talk about prices. I’m not an example of a Cost Optimizer (stolen definition by a doctor), but I can give an opinion on optimization. And especially for non-optimization and sumptuous food on top of a peak… 🙂

In two months of living in the perfection (for me), called Switzerland, I managed to visit a huge amount of beauty and more beauty – with the invaluable help of my special friend. I will share them all with you in time. In my way.

And the unexpectedly wonderful Zurich…

And the expectedly wonderful Lucerne…

And Schaffhausen…

And the amazing Rhine Falls – I didn’t expect…

And the romantic Rapperswil…

And the fabulous Lugano…

And the gorgeous Locarno…

And Rochers de Naye, and Мontreux, and all villages arround…

And how I got lost in the middle of the Alps – I missed a stop because of staring around, and I called the Swiss trains, and they answered, and I came home neither alive nor dead in the mountain hut… 🙂

And Kandersteg, and Leukerbad…

And Aletsch Glacier…

And Rigi Kulm…

And ahhhh… St. Moritz!     

And I miss a lot more! I will not miss them in my stories though. I will not tell you what lies ahead. In fact, I’ll tell you. All of Switzerland. Many times. And the whole world… 🙂

And why My Switzerland?

Because I live my dream. Mine. It may be – and most likely is – not yours, but you can scoop a spoonful of the lakes with me, peek out of a three-thousandth with me, smear yourself like butter on a toast with the brutally beautiful views of the REALLY perfect trains here… And yes rejoice with me. And dare to take your dream.

And nothing like that should happen, even if only one pure pleasure remains – isn’t it enough? 🙂

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